Member Spotlight

Andrew Cloyd

Director of Operations
Zombezi Bay at the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium
Powel, Ohio -  USA

Featured in "World Waterpark Magazine," September 2015

I have a bachelor’s of arts in broadcast journalism from Wright State University. I worked in radio for a while and found my true calling at a zoological waterpark. Before Zoombezi Bay, I was at Six Flags Wyandot Lake.

WHAT CERTIFICATION OR LICENSING DO YOU HAVE? I am a certified Ellis & Associates Lifeguard Instructor, CPO and a CTA (Certified Tourism Ambassador) for the city of Columbus.

WHAT MADE YOU GO INTO THIS FIELD? It was kind of by accident. I was working parttime at a local Columbus radio station and saw an ad for a job at Six Flags. Fourteen years later, I’m glad I dropped off my resumé in person that rainy Friday afternoon

Living in Ohio, we have a traditional summer season. The best thing about a summer season is that every year you get a fresh start to make things even better than the year before. Plus, I have a great management team under me and I love seeing returning seasonal team members come back each year so that I can give them a big high five.

WHO HAS MOST INSPIRED YOU IN YOUR CAREER? This may sound funny, but I would say my kids. I have 3 boys and they constantly remind me of how cool a job I have. Even when I am working crazy hours, they remind me that there are many other jobs out there I would not want to be doing right now. Plus, who wouldn’t want to have a dad that can get them into a great zoo and an awesome waterpark any day they want?

WHAT HAS BEEN THE GREATEST CHALLENGE IN YOUR WATERPARK CAREER? When the Columbus Zoo purchased the waterpark from Six Flags eight years ago and we had the opportunity and challenge to build a brand new waterpark, dry rides park and entry village, that was a huge undertaking. I was and still am grateful to be part of the team that helped “create” Zoombezi Bay.

HOW DO YOU KEEP FOCUSED AND MOTIVATED? I am a free-spirited manager. It is pretty easy for me to stay motivated. I have a lot of post-it notes to keep me focused.

WHAT ADVICE WOULD YOU GIVE SOMEONE WHO IS INTERESTED IN WORKING IN THE WATERPARK INDUSTRY? The best advice I could give someone working in the waterpark industry is to never stop learning. This industry has changed a lot even in the past 10 years. Even a seasoned veteran doesn’t know everything about this industry. I would encourage them to learn from your peers, learn from your guests and learn from your 16-year-old lifeguards.

WHAT BOOKS OR PUBLICATIONS DO YOU RELY ON MOST FOR INSPIRATION OR MOTIVATION? “World Waterpark Magazine,” of course. I love “Crucial Conversations” by Kerry Patterson and the IAAPA daily news flashes.

My favorite part of my job is knowing that I work in an industry that is constantly striving to make a fun experience even better. People have a choice where they spend their free time and their money. If they choose to spend their time and money with us, I want to make sure I do everything I can to make their experience the best it can be. Sometimes it’s as easy as just being at the gate and saying hello!

WHAT CAREER OR BUSINESS WOULD YOU CONSIDER IF YOU WERE STARTING ALL OVER AGAIN? I would likely be back in broadcasting if this waterpark business wasn’t so freaking fun.

HOW DID YOU FIRST GET INVOLVED WITH THE WWA? I’ve been a member since 2005. I try to make it to the WWA Show every other year.

WHAT IS SOMETHING INTERESTING ABOUT YOU THAT FEW KNOW OR WOULD GUESS? I had a huge fear of public speaking until I was nearly out of high school. Nowadays, most people tell me it’s hard for me to shut up most of the time. I take it as a compliment.